Parent Questionnaires

We are continually looking for ways to improve the way we do things at St Alfege and appreciate the feedback we are able to gain from parents and carers as it enables us ensure we are providing the best education possible for all the children who attend our school. We aim to send out an annual questionnaire to parents to find out how well we are doing as a school. 


Parent Questionnaire - Spring 2024

Thank you to those parents who completed our questionnaire. 

We had 31 responses in total which roughly equates to about 14% of the families at our school. 

The questions asked were as follows:

  • What do you think we do well as a school in general? This can be in relation to learning, administrative procedures or pastoral support.
  • What do you think we could do better? This can be in relation to learning, administrative procedures or pastoral support.
  • What do you think we do well as a Church of England school?
  • My child is happy at this school
  • The school has high expectations for my child
  • My child does well at this school
  • I would recommend this school to another parent


What do we do well?

The results of the questionnaire showed that on the whole, parents were very complimentary about how well the school is doing in providing a rounded education for their children. This included our values and principles, the learning we provide, the support for parents and children, the effectiveness of responding to issues and clear communication.

As a church school, parents spoke highly of our church services, the ways in which we instilled Christian values and the fact that children had a better understanding of God as a result of our teaching.


What are the areas we need to address?

We know we may not always get it right and although there were very few areas that parents felt needed improvements, areas that we will be addressing link to parents understanding of early reading, clearer signposting to where parents can find out about what their children are learning, clear communication regarding staff changes and school dinners.

The latter has already been addressed following a meeting our School Council had with representatives from Chartwells, the company who provide our school meals. Click here for the response from Chartwells following the meeting. 

Parent Questionnaire - Autumn 2021

Thank you to those parents who completed our questionnaire. 

We had 41 responses in total which equates to 20% of families at our school



% Agree or

Strongly Agree

1            My child is happy at this school         92.5%       
2 My child feels safe at this school                            95%


The school makes sure its pupils are well behaved


My child has been bullied and the school dealt with the bullying quickly and effectively

5 The school makes me aware of what my child will learn during the year 82.5%
6 When I have raised concerns with the school they have been dealt with properly 77.5%

Does your child have special educational needs and/or a disability (SEND)? (Yes)

8 My child has SEND, and the school gives them the support they need to succeed        32%**
9 My child does well at this school 95%
10 This school lets me know how my child is doing 77.5%












*67.5% ticked 'don't know'

** 64.8% ticked 'don't know'


Parent Questionnaire - Autumn 2020

We are continually looking for ways to improve the way we do things at St Alfege and appreciate the feedback we are able to gain from parents and carers as it enables us to be more effective and efficient. Thank you to everyone who responded to our latest survey.

In total we had 64 respondents which equates to 29% of the families in our school. 

The questions asked were as follows:


  • What do you think we do well as a school in general? This can be in relation to learning, administrative procedures or pastoral support.
  • What do you think we could do better? This can be in relation to learning, administrative procedures or pastoral support.
  • What do you think we do well as a Church of England school?
  • In the event that our school needs to close again, what else do you think we could do to support your child's learning whilst they are at home?
  • What do you think we did well during the period of school closure due to Covid-19?


The results of the questionnaire showed that on the whole, parents were very complimentary on how well the school is doing in providing a rounded education for their children.

We have already begun to address many of the suggestions that were given. For example:

  • A member of the leadership team is on the EYFS gate at least 3 times a week
  • Homework provision is being reviewed and a new homework plan will be implemented this half term
  • The PE and PSHE Leaders are applying for the Healthy Schools Award which has a particular focus on school meals
  • Adaptations have been made to ensure parents are able to remain socially distanced when collecting their children at the end of the school day.
  • A clear Remote Learning Plan has been implemented in the event of whole or partial school closure. This is now on our school website
  • Parent workshops which provide parents and carers with a greater understanding of how they can support their children's learning and well-being


To develop our school further we will be :

  • Reviewing our home learning provision to enable all children to extend their learning outside of school in a enjoyable way
  • Continue to ensure our communication to parents is clear, timely and regular so that they are kept up-to-date on what's happening in the life of the school
  • Reviewing our extended school's provision (once the national lockdown is lifted) to ensure there is a greater range of extra-curricular clubs on offer
  • Developing the communication between parents and staff so that they still feel connected to the school in particular during the period of restrictions due to covid-19

Most importantly, we will continue to work with parents to ensure we can provide the best education for their children.


Parent Questionnaire - Autumn 2019

We had 54 responses in total which equates to 26% of families at our school.


% Agree or

Strongly Agree

1            My child is happy at this school         87%       
2 My child feels safe at this school                            94%


4 My child has not been bullied 65%

My child has been bullied and the school dealt with the bullying quickly and effectively

5 The school makes me aware of what my child will learn during the year 88%
6 I have not raised any concerns 55%
  When I have raised concerns with the school they have been dealt with properly 74%

Does your child have special educational needs and/or a disability (SEND)?

  My child has SEND, and the school gives them the support they need to succeed        83%
8 The school has high expectations for my child 87%
9 My child does well at this school 94%
10 This school lets me know how my child is doing 96%
11      There is a good range of subjects available to my child at this school 96%
12 My child can take part in clubs and activities at this school 91%
13 The school supports my child’s wider personal development        89%
14 I would recommend this school to another parent. 98%

















Action to be taken

  • School Council to deliver a collective worship on anti-bullying
  • Posters promoting anti-bullying organisations and details of who children can speak to be displayed
  • School to take part in Safer Internet Day
  • Termly class newsletters to be placed on website and sent home
  • A wider range of after school clubs to be provided in time for the summer term