Collective Worship


We walk in God’s image His love we will sow

We want to be Christ-like each day as we grow


"[My Child] doesn’t stop singing the songs at home and you’ve encouraged her to speak to God more often."

Parent survey, Spring 2024


At St. Alfege with St. Peter’s worship is an integral and highly valued act and is at the heart of our school community and one that has an important impact for staff and pupils both in school and also in their daily lives beyond the school day. 

The whole school gathers together every day to join in prayer and reflection. Worship is varied and diverse in its delivery and is regularly led by teachers, the clergy and the children.

Our worship echoes the fundamental teachings of the Anglican Church and is planned in line with the church year, providing opportunities for children to engage in Christian celebrations and events as well as acknowledging and learning about the celebrations and events of other world religions.








St. Alfege with St. Peter’s Collective Worship provides everyone with the opportunity to:

╬ express praise and thanksgiving to God

╬ reflect on the attributes of God

╬ reflect on the teachings of Christ

╬ affirm Christian values and attitudes

╬ share each other’s joys and challenges

╬ celebrate special times in the Christian calendar

╬ foster respect and unity, deepen spiritual awareness