Community Initiatives


We share our hearts gladly with those that we meet

Embracing the difference that make us complete


We believe in sharing the love of God in all that we do and part of this is about serving our local community. 


Our Food Bank

Our food bank has been set up to support families in our school community who may need a bit of a helping hand at different times in the month. We are grateful for the monetary donations that have been made since 2020, which have enabled us to continue to provide for those in our community. Donations include those from the congregation at St Alfege Church and from members who attend services at the chapel within the Old Royal Navel College. 



At St Alfege with St Peter's we understand the power of prayer (Philippians 4:6-7) and the ability it has to change situations, encourage our souls and provide us with an opportunity to give thanks to God. Each half term members of school staff, pupils and St Alfege Church clergy meet to pray about our school, our community and the wider world. We also take time to pray for specific request that have been submitted via our prayer request form. If there is something you would like us to take to God in prayer on your behalf, please complete the form. You can give as little or as much information as you wish and the form is only seen by key members of school staff. 


School Choir

Our school choir spreads the Gospel of Jesus through song, demonstrating to our wider community how words can uplift, encourage and serve as reminder of the love of God. The choir was formed in November 2023 and we have had the priviledge of perfoming on a number of occasions. 



Pledge Your Support

Whether it’s time, money, or resources, your support is always appreciated and the Let’s Localise website makes it really easy for you to contribute. St Alfege School will be running a number of fundraising initiatives that you’ll be able to support. All you need to do is sign up on the Let’s Localise website, search for St Alfege School, choose an initiative and make a pledge.